Pastry Chef Certificate and Diploma Programs

If you are planning to complete your baking and pastry training quickly and join the industry workforce as soon as possible, non-degree pastry chef certificate or diploma programs would be your best choice. These kinds of programs are short in length, more of a career oriented, and they concentrate on the hands on skills needed to obtain entry level positions in the baking industry. Pastry Chef certificate and diploma programs are usually offered by vocational career schools and community colleges. Some stand alone culinary schools do offer such programs as well. Below are a brief distinction between the two types of programs along with an overview of their coursework and other bakers and pastry chef certification programs.

Pastry Chef Certificate Programs Overview:
Students attending a certificate program in baking and pastry arts will the have the advantage of being thoroughly exposed to the craft of baking and pastry and be ready to join the baking and pastry industry in as little as one year, sometimes less. Not only do these certificate programs equip students with the necessary skills needed to become successful pastry chefs or bakers through practical training in commercial-like kitchen labs, they also provide students with the theoretical knowledge about the science of baking and offer them classroom instructions to help them excel in their craft upon graduation. To be able to join pastry chef certificate programs , a high school diploma is often required. Effective oral and written communication skills are other indispensable qualifications, deemed necessary nowadays by top culinary schools, community colleges, universities and/or career schools.
Baking and Pastry Courses Offered:
Among others, students attending certificate programs in baking and pastry arts are taught  the main baking and pastry courses, including theory of baking, bread production, artisan bread, cake decorating, desserts, food sanitation and hygiene.

Pastry Chef Diploma Programs Overview:
Like pastry chef certificate programs, diploma programs in baking and pastry arts arm students with the theoretical and practical education needed to become successful pastry chefs. The only difference between the two programs is that pastry chef diploma programs require students to complete couple of elective courses like math, science, writing, languages, and/or humanity courses along side with the main baking and pastry courses. Thus, students attending diploma programs in baking and pastry are likely to graduate within a two-year period, sometimes less. Upon graduation, they'll be ready to create exceptional bread, pastries, cakes and plated desserts. Again, to be able to join these kinds of programs, a high school or general education diploma is required while strong communication skills are of great importance.

Baking and Pastry Courses Offered:
As mentioned earlier, pastry chef diploma programs feature elective courses in addition to the core baking and pastry courses. Though similar to the courses offered by most pastry chef certificate programs, diploma programs expands further in the subject matter, and offer additional baking and pastry courses including, bakery production, dough/yeast fundamentals, cooking with chocolate, plated desserts, and how to market your bread and pastry creations.
Pastry Chef Certification Programs:
Aspiring pastry chefs or bakers with entry level positions have the chance  to enhance their baking and pastry career opportunities through advanced bakers and pastry chef certification programs. Although it is not mandatory for employment, bakers and pastry chef certifications are invaluable qualifications that exhibit proficiency and competence of its holder, lead to career advancement and higher income potentials. The Retail Bakers of America, a leading industry association do provide certifications for bakers at five different levels including Certified Journey Baker, Certified Baker, Certified Decorator, Certified Bread Baker, and Certified Master Baker. Certified Journey Baker certification is best suited for entry level applicants holding a certificate or diploma in baking and pastry arts alongside with 1000 hours of retail or commercial baking experience or at least one year of similar work experience (approximately 2000 hours) without education requirements. Off course, the higher the level of bakers certification program you pursue, the longer the required years of baking experience will be, in addition to a successful completion of a sanitation course offered by either industry association, school, or government agency. On the other hand, the American  Culinary Federation, a leading organization for professional chefs do provide accredited education programs and certifications for pastry chefs at four different levels including Certified Pastry Culinarian, Certified Working Pastry Chef, Certified Executive Pastry Chef, and Certified Master Pastry Chef. Certified Pastry Culinarian certification is best suited for entry level applicants who have successfully completed one year certificate or diploma program in similar field alongside with one year working experience as pastry culinarian and 90 hours courses in sanitation and food safety, nutrition, and supervisory management. Entry level applicants holding an associate degree in baking and pastry arts or in culinary arts may apply for the Certified Pastry Culinarian certification without prior work experience being required. Again, the higher the level of pastry chef certification program you are willing to pursue, the longer the required working experience will be.